Wednesday, October 7, 2020

What do you Know About the Load Cell System?

Field service engineers often require a variety of load cells which span in the different range needed to calibrate the customer system. They might even require assortment to conduct a wide range of force measurements for the particular testing application. The challenges start when the engineer needs to figure out and change the load cell, which is connected to the instrument. Whenever a new cell is being connected with the instruments, the calibration factors need to be appropriately checked.

Coming to the load cells, it is available in a wide range variety in terms of shapes, sizes and capacities as per the industry standards for all types of weighing. Flintec Load cells even come in to provide good options to the people. List of some of the commonly used load cells and their uses are as follows:

·         Single Point - It is one of the cheapest and most popularly used types of load cell in the market. The cost and reliable nature with which it comes is the main reason behind its growing presence in the retail scales, medical scales, counting scales, postal scales and parcel scales. This type of load cells is being used in platform scales and weighing system of industries to provide accurate reading regardless of the load position on the platforms.

·         Canister type - The canister type is being put in use single a long time and tends to be as per industry standards for most of the high capacity, compression applications. This type of cell has the top and bottom side buttons which can be used for the compression purpose. They offer accurate weighing even in the harsh environmental conditions.

 Flintec has emerged as the world leaders in designing the standardized and custom load cells compression Disk & Canister types. The canister load cell is being used for both the single as well as multi-weighing application system. Ultimately, you need to make sure that you are opting for the right kind of load cell for the application which would ensure smooth working without any sort of interruption.

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